I’m sitting in my minivan drinking a glass of wine in the parking lot of Mollie’s dance class. Yep. I am. Why? Because it’s Wednesday. And for whatever reason, Wednesdays make my school kids act CRAZY. Like Gnarls Barkley Crazy. At first, I thought it was just a coincidence that it was every Wednesday. But…
Thriving on chaos
I keep saying I am a glutton for punishment, but a friend rephrased that and told me that it seems that I thrive on chaos. It’s totally true. I am running on fumes most days. Completely out of fuel, exhausted to the bone, but I crave the insanity that is my life. I don’t know…
Learning to accept your “okayness”
I long to be one of those moms that writes things down in pretty color-coded calendars with fun stickers and pens and every family member has their own personal “snack drawer” in the fridge or pantry and a place to hang their coats and place their shoes when they come into the house. When I…